Presenter: Dr. Indira Sultanić
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- CCHI approved for 1.5 CE Hour CEAP
- IMIA/NBCMI approved for 0.1500
CEUs are available by participating in the entire activity only (usually 90 minutes).
This presentation explores remote interpreting in pediatric therapy settings. More specifically, it examines both the benefits and the challenges of remote interpreting in speech, physical, and occupational therapy settings. It considers how different remote communication platforms may impact role boundaries and turn-taking from both the provider’s and the interpreter’s perspective. With the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in the United States, language access was provided through remote telecommunication platforms, audio and/or video. Many of these platforms were not optimized nor designed for interpreting support. Service providers, interpreters, and their Limited English Proficient (LEP) clients, were faced with increased communication and logistical challenges and had to get creative in their endeavors in order to ensure minimal disruption and continuity of care and service provision.
Learning Objectives:
- To learn from provider and interpreter experiences about the benefits and challenges of remote interpreting in pediatric occupational, physical, and speech therapy settings.
- To gain an understanding of how to navigate turn-taking in remote interpreting.
- To understand the potential impact of remote interpreting communication platforms on role-boundary.
Presenter Bio:
Indira Sultanić is an Assistant Professor in the School of World Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. She holds a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from Kent State University, and an M.A. in Translation, Spanish, from the same institution. Dr. Sultanić is a scholar and educator of translation and interpreting with over a decade of professional experience in the language industry as an interpreter, translator, trainer, and consultant, and a passionate advocate for health and social equity through meaningful language access. She has authored articles and book chapters on medical interpreter education and training, challenges of interpreting for vulnerable populations and unaccompanied refugee children in the U.S., co-authored research on language-based inequities in health care and is currently working on research related to remote interpreting in pediatric therapy settings.
Platform: CHIA's Educational Hub, our online library.
NOTE: Once you pay, you will automatically receive an email with the Hub link. Be sure to check your spam/junk/clutter folder if you do not find it in your inbox. You will be given 30 days to download your certificate after watching the full webinar.
Presented in English. The content will apply to both spoken and sign language. Presenters may draw on examples using multiple languages as relevant to their content and working language/s.
Training level:
CHIA webinars are aimed at the working interpreter and applicable to all levels. While students are welcomed to attend all CHIA events, CHIA events are not specifically designed for interpreting students unless indicated.
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