Intentional Practice: Guided Self Evaluation to Advance Your Interpreting Skills

  • 10 Feb 2023
  • 10 Mar 2023
  • On Demand Recorded Webinar available until March 10


  • "Intentional Practice: Guided Self Evaluation to Advance Your Interpreting Skills "
  • "Intentional Practice: Guided Self Evaluation to Advance Your Interpreting Skills "

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Intentional Practice: Guided Self Evaluation to Advance Your Interpreting Skills

On demand recorded webinar


  • Danielle Meder

  • Sarah Stockler-Rex


NOTE: Cancelling a paid registration will generate a credit for future events, not a refund.

Platform: Zoom

NOTE: Once you pay, you will automatically receive an email with the Zoom link. Be sure to check your spam/junk/clutter folder if you do not find it in your inbox.


  • CCHI: 1.5 (#9811)
  • IMIA/NBCMI: 0.15 (#22-1057)

*CEUs are available by participating in the entire activity only. You will receive your CEU certificate by email. Please allow 5 business days for processing.

Questions? Email the Education Committee Chair:


The healthcare system is made up of practice professionals, including interpreters. Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the interpreter’s daily practice is that each decision depends on a multitude of factors. Interpreters can ensure their decisions promote communicative autonomy through intentional practice and self-evaluation. But where does one start with evaluating performance? This workshop will guide interpreters through a self-evaluation tool that offers a tangible way to identify strengths and areas of growth. Interpreters who routinely evaluate their own performance support the advancement of the profession and further demonstrate their value as a member of the healthcare team.

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss the self-evaluation tool and how it supports remote interpreting skill development.

2. Identify reflective, non-judgmental questions to ask yourself while working with the self-evaluation tool.

3. Discuss why self-evaluation is necessary as practice professionals and how it supports communicative autonomy of all.

Presenter Bios 

Danielle Meder is a nationally certified ASL interpreter with over 15 years in VRS and video remote interpreting as an interpreter and operations leader. She completed the Certificate in Healthcare Interpreting program at RIT-NTID in 2017. Danielle is a licensed trainer of The Community Interpreter International (TCII) with Cross Cultural Communications (CCC) and is currently co-authoring a textbook on remote interpreting for CCC. Danielle regularly writes, speaks, and trains interpreters and stakeholders in an effort to push for higher language access standards as well as passionately advocating for best practices that support communicative autonomy of all.

Sarah Stockler-Rex, CHI-Spanish, has worked as a Spanish medical interpreter, in both onsite and remote modalities, for over 10 years. She holds a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics with a specialization in Language Testing and she is in constant pursuit of providing the highest caliber language access via quality assurance and training solutions. Sarah currently oversees MARTTI’s Interpreting Quality & Training Department in which she has monitored, mentored and trained video remote and telephonic interpreters for the past 6 years. Sarah is also a co-author of The Remote Interpreter, a textbook from Cross-Cultural Communications.

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