Remote Interpreting in Pediatric Therapy Settings
Dec 15, 2022 from 4pm-5:30pm PT
Presenter: Dr. Indira Sultanić
Cost: $15 CHIA Members / $30 Non-Members
Platform: Zoom
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Learning Objectives
1. To learn from provider and interpreter experiences about the benefits and challenges of remote interpreting in pediatric occupational, physical, and speech therapy settings.
2. To gain an understanding of how to navigate turn-taking in remote interpreting.
3. To understand the potential impact of remote interpreting communication platforms on role-boundary.
Presenter Bio
Indira Sultanić is an Assistant Professor in the School of World Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. She holds a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from Kent State University, and an M.A. in Translation, Spanish, from the same institution. Dr. Sultanić is a scholar and educator of translation and interpreting with over a decade of professional experience in the language industry as an interpreter, translator, trainer, and consultant, and a passionate advocate for health and social equity through meaningful language access. She has authored articles and book chapters on medical interpreter education and training, challenges of interpreting for vulnerable populations and unaccompanied refugee children in the U.S., co-authored research on language-based inequities in health care, and is currently working on research related to remote interpreting in pediatric therapy settings.