Ins and Outs of the Digestive System
Presenter: Tracy Young, CMI, RN, BSN, MA
Cost: $15 CHIA Members / $25 Non-Members
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Program Description: “Feed me! Now empty me! The second-most pleasurable system in the human body, wouldn’t you agree? The digestive system: a delicious and liberating voyage. The presentation will focus on some solid and loose concepts, as well as take you on a guided tour of organs and hormones. We will touch (on) a few educational props, as well as diseases, disorders, mainstream treatments and alternative treatments. Attendees will take home new visual concepts and websites to continue your digestive voyage.
This webinar is accredited by CCHI for 1.0 of instructional hour. NBCMI now accepts CCHI CEUs.
Tracy Young is an interpreter trainer and long-time advocate for the profession. Tracy has presented a variety of workshops throughout California and Nevada, including Bridging the Gap and Connecting Worlds. She is both a registered nurse and an accomplished medical interpreter (CMI). Tracy is the Language Access Services coordinator at Barton Memorial Hospital in South Lake Tahoe, California. She holds a master’s degree in Spanish from the University of Nevada, Reno and is the founding president of the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association (NITA).